My son, Mitchell, attended your bantam camp at Xmas. Not only did he enjoy it but it really seemed to give him a jump start and we have seen an improvement in his skating since then.
Andrea - Thunder Bay
I think the kids learned lots and will improve if they use what was taught. I think that might be the fastest I have seen Coel skate...Coel enjoyed that camp completely.
Paul - Kenora
Dawson had a blast again at your camp... Dawson enjoyed the hard drills and gentle pushes from the coaches. Dawson enjoys the challenges and unique drills/equipment that your camp provides. Keep up the great work!
Lynne & John - Thunder Bay
Eric enjoyed your skating camp in Kenora. At his hockey practice on Saturday his coach told him that his skating had moved up a level! That was perfect positive feedback for him!
Cathy - Kenora
Rory commented on how much help your camp was to his tryouts this year - he put your advice to work and he made it on the Bantam AA, which is his first time on a AA team!
Kelli - Kenora
Thank you for working with Cale this summer at hockey camp. He had a great experience. We really liked how you explained everything to him so that Cale could understand why learning/practicing the skills was important. Cale had AA tryouts this past weekend and we were amazed at how much his skating had improved.
Larry and Deidre - Thunder Bay
Thanks for putting on a GREAT program here in Kenora... my son was a better skater after each and every session... I can SEE that... if he takes what he has worked on in your "School"... to... "The Game"... he will be a better player and have more fun in hockey...and that is what it's all about...
Thomas - Kenora
Both of my children really enjoyed the opportunity to have Craig come down to coach the Superior Strides Power Skating Clinics here in Manitouwadge. Craig's "one on one" approach to each child during the skills and drills, taking the time to pull each child aside; recognizing their strengths and improvements needed in certain areas really impressed me as a parent sitting on the sidelines watching. I remember commenting to some other parents that I couldn't believe what a great "eye", gentle, helpful & knowledgeable approach Craig had for each child on the ice.
Natalie, Evan and Luc - Manitouwadge
Craig: Your ice sessions and approach on the ice is great for all abilities and ages, not over aggressive but emphasis put on proper technique. Including the coaches from each organization will further strengthen the knowledge of players and coaches to develop strong skaters in their own programs. Working one on one with the kids who need that little extra confidence was also apparent in your program. Seeing the kids eyes and smiles as wide as when the bungee cords were hooked up to the was the highlight of most of the kids. It was a pleasure to have been on the ice with you to refresh some skating drills and techniques and learn a few new ones. Thanks again for coming to Manitouwadge.
Charles - Manitouwadge
Kyle loved the power skating camp. It was fun and of great benefit to all of the kids and coaches, too. We're looking forward to the possibility of doing it again next season. Thanks again Craig!
Pat - Manitouwadge